Saturday, November 2, 2013

Taurus Lucky Number

Taurus Lucky Number

Taurus lucky number is six (also known as the Hexad). Six is feminine in nature and, when associated with Taurus, resides in the Second House of Money and Possessions, governing all things lucrative.

Generally, six is the number of luck and and strength...honesty and beauty...a number which is capable of both creation and destruction. 
In short, six may have an equally strong tendency toward evil as it does toward good...toward rebellion as it does toward union with God. It is the number of mutual hating and giving...of mystic destiny.

Here are other mystical qualities of Six (Taurus Lucky Number):

Six is the mystic number of Venus. It represents family and symbolizes the home, parents, healers and counselors. It is representative of domestic bliss, responsibility, compassion, marriage and devotion. Six is also associated with fraternity and brotherhood...or sorority and sisterhood. It is the common bond of closeness between people, representing love, nurturing, harmony and justice.

Six is the perfect divider of the circle and the radius of a circle divides its circumference into the six points of the hexagon to form the Seal of Solomon...the hexagram. In geometry, six is the hexagon...two triangles which share a common side.

The colors associated with the number six are all those within the blue family. Its peak tends to be during the daylight hours, with its natural element being earth and its associated gems being emeralds and turquoise.

Similarly, in mathematics, six is two threes, also known as the second perfection. A mystic number represented in nature by the formation of crystals, honeycomb, snowflakes and flowers, six is a happy number with the power to ward off evil. It is said the the cycle of life has six periods (birth, growth, decay, death, absorption and metamorphosis) and that there are six states of man (love, chastity, death, fame, time and eternity).

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