Friday, November 22, 2013

What’s the personality of a Taurus?

Taurus Profile FAQs

What’s the personality of a Taurus? 

Strength is the predominating personality of a person born under the sign of Taurus. With that strength, however, comes a firm-set nature which is difficult to change. The influence of Venus (this Sign's ruling Planet) makes for an emotional character, fraught with primitive urges, but one which can be sympathetic as well as strong-willed.

If you pay attention to detail personalities of Taurus individuals, you will observe that they are not flashy or fiery, but possess an uncommonly observant nature, backed by a steely reserve and remarkable powers of will.

The instinct of the Taurus nature is counter-balanced by an ability to acquire knowledge.

In summary I will say generally, Taureans offer a fixed outlook on life. On the positive side, this translates into a dogged determination to see their goals through to the end, and an inherent need to stick to their guns.

The negative side, however, is that this can be their downfall. Change does not come easy to Taurus. When their plans are disrupted, they do not find it easy to change course. Only after great deliberation, much of it silent and internal, do they finally decide to tweak their plans.

Qualities to Encourage:

Patience - Warm Heart - Common Sense – Determination

Qualities to Discourage:

Indulgence - Possessiveness - Stubbornness - Greed

Monday, November 11, 2013

What kind of a Person is a Taurus?

Taurus Profile FAQs

What kind of a person is a Taurus?

In simple astrological terms, a Taurus is a person born between April 19th and May 20th….hence, belongs to the zodiac sun sign Taurus. It is an earth sign ruled by the planet Venus.

Looking beyond simple astrological term, you will observe that persons born of Taurus have body consciousness, and enjoy the sensual things of life, the things which give one a sense of well-being. She has a natural affinity for all that the earth plane offers, and finds both pleasure and security in them. She enjoys food, carpentry, plants and animals, artistic forms, and music as well.

The truth is a Taurus person has a great longing to something special, exciting. Accordingly, Taurus person is somewhat less likely to take risks than other signs, certainly uncalculated ones.

Indeed, Taurus natives often take extra measures to ensure security, though in this light it may sometimes be considered controlling by some. Indeed, Taurus individual can even be brutal when robbed of its sense of security.

Taurus individuals are usually strong and loyal, but only until they starts feeling disrespected or encroached upon. Being straightforward and down-to-earth, those governed by this Sign prefer a non-nonsense approach and too much verbalizing or complex fantasizing is not a Taurus trait.

Some Notable Taurus People includes:

David Beckham, Tony Blair, George Clooney, Jay Leno, Willie Nelson, Jack Nicholson, Al Pacino, Queen Elizabeth II, Barbra Streisand

Saturday, November 9, 2013

What type of a woman does a Taurus man like?

Taurus Man FAQs

What type of woman does a Taurus man like? 

The answer goes like this….. A Taurus man likes a woman who will be open to uncensored display of affection…..and return his admiration and flirtation. His ideal woman must have a desire to build a steady, loving home.

She should dress with taste but shouldn’t waste money on trendy fashion. And more importantly, desire consistent “earthy” pleasures.

Actually, Taurus man like a woman he personally finds to look good, sound good in conversations, smell good and can cook good food.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Taurus Lucky Number

Taurus Lucky Number

Taurus lucky number is six (also known as the Hexad). Six is feminine in nature and, when associated with Taurus, resides in the Second House of Money and Possessions, governing all things lucrative.

Generally, six is the number of luck and and strength...honesty and beauty...a number which is capable of both creation and destruction. 
In short, six may have an equally strong tendency toward evil as it does toward good...toward rebellion as it does toward union with God. It is the number of mutual hating and giving...of mystic destiny.

Here are other mystical qualities of Six (Taurus Lucky Number):

Six is the mystic number of Venus. It represents family and symbolizes the home, parents, healers and counselors. It is representative of domestic bliss, responsibility, compassion, marriage and devotion. Six is also associated with fraternity and brotherhood...or sorority and sisterhood. It is the common bond of closeness between people, representing love, nurturing, harmony and justice.

Six is the perfect divider of the circle and the radius of a circle divides its circumference into the six points of the hexagon to form the Seal of Solomon...the hexagram. In geometry, six is the hexagon...two triangles which share a common side.

The colors associated with the number six are all those within the blue family. Its peak tends to be during the daylight hours, with its natural element being earth and its associated gems being emeralds and turquoise.

Similarly, in mathematics, six is two threes, also known as the second perfection. A mystic number represented in nature by the formation of crystals, honeycomb, snowflakes and flowers, six is a happy number with the power to ward off evil. It is said the the cycle of life has six periods (birth, growth, decay, death, absorption and metamorphosis) and that there are six states of man (love, chastity, death, fame, time and eternity).