Saturday, December 12, 2015

Taurus Love FAQs

Taurus Love FAQs

The following are some frequently asked questions about Taurus love

  • Explain Taurus love life?

  • Explain Taurus personality love?

  • What it means to love a Taurus

  • Are Taurus good lovers?

  • What is Taurus soul mate?



Explain Taurus love life?


Taurus love life is direct and uncomplicated. Taurus lover takes his own time with everything and is slow to turn on. Tender and steady caresses of hand and physical stimulation excite Taurus lover being an earthy sign. The Taurus person is a creature of enormous sensuality. They are happiest when all their senses are being titillated at the same time.

Body contact is important and Taurus individuals are big on hugs, kisses and caresses. The Taurus sexuality also has a strongly procreative dimension. They like a stable, orderly love life and are renowned for possessiveness; an active sex life is usually part of an ongoing partnership. They are happiest when having sex in their own bed or in natural surroundings that are comfortable.