Capricorn and TaurusCompatibility
The best aspect of Capricorn and Taurus relationship is the similarity of each partner's values and mutual dedication to the same goals. There is mutual admiration for dedication and strength...qualities inherent in both partners.
…Taurus can show Capricorn how to enjoy a well-earned break every now and again and how to appreciate beauty and comfort. In return, Capricorn can teach Taurus to be more disciplined and constantly strive for that which is most desired.
Nonetheless, a love affair between these two can rapidly become stale because the core personalities are actually rather different.
Now, here are factors you need to look into in Taurus and Capricorn love match:
Ruling planetsTaurus is ruled by the planet Venus and Capricorn are ruled by the planet Saturn.
Venus is indicative of a warm and feminine energy, whereas Saturn is indicative of a cold and masculine energy. Venus is concerned with sensual pleasures, the aesthetics of love and the beauty of art. All these qualities stimulate the Taurus native and serve to heighten the appreciation of life and love. Conversely, Saturn is concerned with hard work and the discipline necessary to achieve goals.
Zodiac Elements
Both are governed by the element of Earth.
Hence, this is a combination of Signs that love to indulge in material possessions. They want to possess and be surrounded by beautiful things...a lovely home, designer clothing, luxurious cars and exquisite works of art, for example. Fortunately, since both are prepared to work hard, they can usually attain all these things and will rarely argue about impracticality or overindulgence.
Zodiac Qualities
Taurus is Fixed in quality and Capricorn is Cardinal.
Those governed by Taurus will rarely (if ever) change their minds once they have reached a decision. These are souls who possess a quiet and steadfast determination. While natives of some Zodiac Signs likely find this dull or restrictive, those ruled by Capricorn regard this as a good and comforting trait...and the Taurus partner will certainly be clearly dedicated to the relationship.
Hence, Taurus and Capricorn love match is a very good match. If the Taurus partner can encourage Capricorn to relax a little and appreciate the fruits of his or her labor, and if the Capricorn partner can help Taurus to achieve goals and make dream a reality, this union can be smooth, happy and long-lasting.
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