Friday, December 11, 2015

Taurus Woman Capricorn Man Relationship

Taurus Woman and Capricorn Man Partnership

Taurus woman with Capricorn man union is a combination of two people that love to indulge in material possessions. Both want to possess and be surrounded with beautiful things...a lovely home, designer clothing, luxurious cars and exquisite works of art, for example.

Fortunately, since both partners (Taurus woman with Capricorn man) are prepared to work hard, they can usually attain all these things and will rarely argue about impracticality or overindulgence.

But, I must tell you, a love affair between these two can rapidly become stale because the core personalities are actually rather different.

Here are known positive and negative aspects of this union:

 Positive aspects of Taurus woman with Capricorn man union

  • This pair shares a love of luxury and nice possessions...and they are prepared to also share resources. Thus, the mutual interests of both partners here make for a highly compatible relationship.
  • Courtesy of a natural empathy existing between these two Signs, each is more than capable of understanding the other's feelings, depressions and sense of humor.
  • Taurus woman can show Capricorn man how to enjoy a well-earned break every now and again and how to appreciate beauty and comfort. In return, Capricorn man can teach Taurus woman to be more disciplined and constantly strive for that which is most desired.

 Negative aspects of Taurus woman with Capricorn man union:

  • Both require a certain amount of flattery and encouragement in their lives…..but Taurus woman will need to take the lead in that area.
  • Men governed by Capricorn lack the ability to express themselves well and this could cause the Taurus partner some confusion.
  • Conflict is also likely to arise when the Taurus partner does something terribly extravagant that will disturb the cautious and wary nature of Capricorn.


To summarize all that is involve in Taurus woman with Capricorn man relationship, I can say each partner will have to infuse a little fun into the union when things become too they are almost sure to do with this pairing.

And given that Taurus woman is basically well-equipped to deal with Capricorn man...and vice versa...Taurus woman with Capricorn man could easily be an ideal match.

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