Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Close Look AT Taurus Man Compatibility

Taurus Man Compatibility

Here are helpful hints on Taurus male compatibility with other Zodiac Signs:

  • He will rarely go wrong if he chooses a Virgo mate.

  • With Aquarius, the zodiac compatibility between these two signs could leave a lot to be desired.

  • He is either a very good or a very stressful match with Pisces.

  • Their could be something of a battle of wills with Aries mate, since both are very strong characters whose wills are exerted in very different ways.

  • Combination with fellow Taurus is sure to create at least a few problems, particularly if there happens to be conflict of interests.

  • Gemini may prove somewhat unsettling to any peace-loving Taurus male.

Let’s look at Taurus male compatibility with other Zodiac signs in detail:

Taurus man compatibility with Aries

Basically, this union is all about balance, or the lack thereof. Natives of Aries tend to go too fast...natives of Taurus tend to be somewhat slow. Therefore, with some effort from both sides, this combination should be able to find a common ground. Since the Taurus male refuses to be rushed and is inherently stubborn, such behavior may leave the Aries partner fuming, screaming and engaged in shouting, all of which will be totally ignored by the Taurus male. Nevertheless, the Aries partner will provide much enthusiasm and energy to the Taurus male.

Taurus man compatibility with Cancer

Being a dreamer by nature, Cancer partner is sure to place Taurus male on a pedestal and always expect nothing less than perfection. Consequently, when the flaws begin to show, Cancer will become disappointed and retreat into her infamous shell. Since Taurus is not the most tactful of Zodiac Signs, he will clumsily attempt to coax Cancer's emergence, resulting in the Cancer partner retreating even further. Cancer needs and demands...usually in a pouting manner...a plethora of sympathy and Taurus male do possess a nurturing instinct for providing that. Thus, this pair may get along better than might be expected.

Taurus man compatibility with Virgo

Virgo and Taurus are two of the hardest workers to be found in the Zodiac. Action which is careful, methodical and constant is important to Virgo and, being of a similar nature, any Taurus male will both respect and admire his busy Virgo partner. Since both are governed by the element of earth, there should be an abundance of domestic harmony. They will spend countless hours in carefully worded banter, rarely ruffling the other's proverbial feathers. Taurus male and his Virgo partner will quickly find they can be an island of two, sharing endless games of Scrabble, walks on the beach and just spending time with each other.

Taurus man compatibility with Pisces

Basically, the Pisces native does not find it easy to make decisions. In order to achieve longevity in this union, the Taurus partner must accept these shortcomings. On a more positive note, the psychic ability of the Pisces partner will enable her to keep on top of the feelings of Taurus male and thus, will act and react with him to ensure happiness. In a romantically physical sense, the Pisces partner will be very sensitive to all the nuances of the desires associated with Taurus male and will try very hard to keep the Taurus partner happy. This could be a good working match, provided Taurus male is not looking for...or expecting...a partner who possesses a great deal of strength.

Taurus man compatibility with Aquarius
This relationship is probably best described as: a freedom-loving and eccentric woman matched with a practical and routine-oriented man. Taurus male will probably view the Aquarius partner as being unconventional in most ways, which can cause this man embarrassment in a multitude of situations. However, Aquarius individuals are, by and large, unique characters...something the Taurus male is likely to find difficult to accept. Since both Signs possess strong personalities, there is probably no way of avoiding an eventual confrontation between Taurus male and Aquarius partner.

Taurus man compatibility with Gemini

The flirty and flighty Gemini partner in this relationship, coupled with the accompanying hectic social schedule, may prove somewhat unsettling to any peace-loving Taurus male. He craves comfort and security with few interruptions. However, any home run by a Gemini is sure to be filled with callers and weekend guests. Nonetheless, beneath her stubborn exterior, Taurus male does find enjoyment in the company of others and takes great pleasure in the fine food and extravagant gifts often associated with the "social whirl" of her Gemini partner. The physical aspect of this union will gradually be affected by the moods of Gemini, which are exceedingly changeable. Gemini natives can be playful and mischievous one minute, quickly becoming basic and animalistic the next. The typical reaction of Taurus male to such behavior may well be the seeking of a new partner.

Taurus man compatibility with Leo

Taurus male and Leo are capable of making a good living. Problems may arise if Taurus male believes Leo should do something to cultivate emotional compatibility...or if the Leo partner shows a lack of concern for the feelings and/or emotional needs of Taurus male. If this attitude is carried over into the romantic arena, then the Leo partner will probably meet with a very cold shoulder, causing much distress to the fiery and amorous Leo native. In order to achieve even a modicum of peace and harmony, each partner in this relationship must strive to keep the physical activity between them alive and well.

Taurus man compatibility with Libra

In this combination, both partners share the ruling planet of Venus. Thus, both are blessed with an appreciation of beauty and the powers of attraction. However, it will be necessary for the Libra partner to realize that Taurus male wants to attract possessions...beautiful items that he can value and cherish. Problems can arise in this relationship due to the Libra personality of being open to new ideas and the willingness to give and please others. Such an individual may become easily annoyed with someone who is very slow to change and often quite fixed in his opinions.

Taurus man compatibility with Scorpio

Both Scorpio and Taurus are fixed signs. The Scorpio partner likes a controlled environment and has set ways of doing things. Thus, the Scorpio partner in this relationship will be far from pleased when the equally self-willed Taurus male who refuses to do anything in a manner other than his own. These two signs are opposite each other in the Zodiac and truly have very little in common. The Scorpio partner will provide a home in which the Taurus male feels very safe...primarily because he values an unchanging way of life. Nonetheless, since both Scorpio and Taurus are by nature prepared to be sensitive to each other; this is often an area where the bond between Taurus male and Scorpio female can develop.

Taurus man compatibility with Sagittarius

In this relationship, the adventure-loving Sagittarius partner will attempt to introduce new ideas and experiences to her security-loving Taurus male. Not only does this man hate change, he is also slow to accept anything different into his life. This can be very frustrating to the Sagittarius partner who hates the routine life that her partner adheres to so persistently. Both have a lot to learn from each other in this relationship...if they can accept that each views life very differently. Taurus male can provide stability for an otherwise restless Sagittarius partner. In return, the Sagittarius partner can teach him to perceive life as more of an adventure.

Taurus man compatibility with Capricorn

Taurus male and Capricorn female combination will be a compatible one. Both being governed by the element of earth will be practical, sensible and share a love of material security. The Capricorn partner will set boundaries with which the Taurus male is happy to makes him feel more secure. In addition, the Capricorn partner is one upon whom the Taurus male knows he can depend on. Life could run smoothly for this couple, but conflict is likely to arise when Taurus male does something terribly extravagant that will disturb the cautious and wary nature of Capricorn.

Notable Positive and Negative Taurus Traits

Positive and Negative Taurus Traits

Talking about Taurus traits, these individuals tend to be slow but sure in their methods remaining, for the most part, cool and collected. Blessed with keen observation skills and an abundance of patience, those governed by this Sign are content to wait with apparent indifference for favorable opportunities...which they immediately grasp once presented.

Indeed, Taurus natives are reliable and loyal souls who are easy to get along with and make for good team players. As befits a Sign ruled by the Element of Earth, they are also practical and grounded. If something needs to be done, then Taurus individuals can be relied upon to do it...but it may take a while since it is difficult to get them motivated. 
However, once these natives are up and running, they possess a focus and single-mindedness that is a definite asset.

Here are notable positive and negative Taurus traits:

Positive Taurus Traits

  • Possessed with strong determination, Taurus natives are seldom daunted by obstacles and, for that reason, march steadily on the road to success in whatever they might undertake. Hence, the Taurus nature is representative of the constructive side of the world.
  • As lovers, Taurus' are romantic, sensual and affectionate. They have an ability to become the most faithful and loyal friends. They do care a lot about your family and friends.
  • Also, people born under the sign of Taurus tend to be very patient, practical and dedicated people. Such people are usually very cautious when dealing with people, life and money.
  • More especially, Taurus individuals make wonderful hosts and hostesses, and have great taste for food. In the management of their houses they can make much out of little.
  • When you talk about endurance, Taurus individual possess great power of endurance, both physical and mental. They can pass through enormous strains of fatigue as long as the excitement or determination lasts.

Negative Taurus Traits

  • Negative Taurus traits consist of being overindulgent, self-centered and stubborn. They can be viewed as rebellious with their stubbornness. While they do not get angry easily, once they do, they become infuriated and everyone will definitely feel it.
  • The characteristic of Taurus that shows a disciplined nature may also become extreme, developing into an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Here they have a curious power of dominating others, even when not conscious of trying to do so.
  • Also, Taurus natives are easily influenced by their surroundings, and become morbid and morose when trying to live under uncongenial conditions. They are also too easily misled by their emotions, sensations, or affections.
  • As a rule both sexes are jealous in their disposition, and their jealousy often drives them into acts of violence or sudden exhibition of temper, which they bitterly regret when the storm is over.
  • More than any other faults, Taurus' do not like it when they are forced or rushed in their tasks. They dislike changes and disruptions. They are usually traditional and conservative, and do not take risks.
Despite positive and negative Taurus traits (as stated above), you should know that Taurus individuals are governed by their sensations and by their loving nature. Affection has a greater hold on them than passion. Such people are also warm and sensual, with an appreciation of the fine things in life.

If they love, they are generous to the last degree, and will consider no sacrifice too great for the person they care for; if they are enemies, they will fight with the most determined obstinacy.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

What does a Taurus male like in a woman?

Taurus Man FAQs

What does a Taurus man like in a woman?

A Taurus male likes a woman who looks attractive. He loves a woman who will be loyal and a good listener. Somebody that will be encouraging about his work projects and of course proves her sensual side. Hence, show your sensual side, and always check out this dream lover's favorite music and food.

Headstrong Bulls are most comfortable when they‘re in control, but sometimes a little provocation can bring out their best. 

In essence, what a Taurus male like in a woman is one who is sensual…..loves good food, physical affection, romance and material goods -- and only the best of everything.

What Attracts a Taurus man?

In simple term, I will say; Taurus man is mostly attracted to uncensored display of affection. In his relationship with a woman, sensuality comes first and the Taurus man will be attracted to a woman he gets along best with from this point of view.

Always stand up for what you believe in. Remember, Taurus tastes are simple and pragmatic.

They are known for a love of food, clothes, and the finer things in life, although their preferences fall more towards the no-frills side.

 In essence, Taurus man is attracted to beauty and sensuality in anything pleasing to the senses - color, touch, sound, taste, and smell.

See Details of How To Attract A Taurus Man

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Are Taurus and Leo Compatible?

Looking at the question, are Taurus and Leo compatible? I will say Taurus and Leos are actually compatible though Leo's more social nature may clash with Taurus' possessive nature. There is so much mutual admiration between this pair.

Basically, this combination can result in a magnificent pairing because each knows how to stroke the other's ego and each loves to have his or her ego stroked. In addition, their needs are similar. Although Taurus and Leos can work together quite nicely, it is not a garden of roses for these two.

Both are stubborn individuals who must work hard to understand and accept one another.

See Details of Taurus Love Compatibility FAQs

Friday, October 19, 2012

Are Taurus good lovers?

You may ask; are Taurus good lovers? I will say…indeed Taurus individuals are good Lovers. They are always protective of their loved ones and will be very gentle and pleasant towards them.

Though, not particularly skillful at telling loved ones how they feel, preferring instead to show their affections in the things they do…..and provided they are coaxed rather than driven….Taurus can be extremely lovable.

 Romantic Style: Affectionate - Satisfying - Can Be Generous

See Detail of Taurus Love FAQs

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Here Are Detailed Compatible Signs For A Taurus

Compatible sign for a Taurus are people born under the signs Capricorn, Virgo and with the same sign, Taurus. Taurus can also be matched with those born under Pisces and Cancer. Taurus and Leo are both stubborn hence will have difficulties understanding one another. With Aquarius, they have different perspectives and usually develop complicated relationships with Scorpios.

 Now, let’s look at what makes Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus, Pisces and Cancer compatible signs for a Taurus:

Qualities that make Capricorn compatible to a Taurus 

The Capricorn partner will want to share all of the Taurus individual's worries and fears, which the keen senses of Capricorn quickly detect. Courtesy of a natural empathy existing between these two Signs, each is more than capable of understanding the other's feelings, depressions and sense of humor. Also, being on the quiet side, the Capricorn native will make a good companion for the home-loving Taurus partner and if satisfaction is experienced in the domestic arena, then a Taurus/Capricorn union could be inseparable.

Qualities that make Virgo compatible sign for a Taurus 

Disagreements between these two Signs will be few and far between since both have a strong practical side to their natures. In addition, these individuals share a logical mind and sharp financial ability. Since Taurus loves an abundance of attention and Virgo loves fussing over someone he or she adores, this could be a most satisfying relationship for both partners. Each native here is fond of children and the home. Thus these things will play a large part in their lives...demanding and receiving their constant attention.

Qualities that make Taurus compatible with fellow Taurus 

Each possess an in-born need to express personal feelings and will constantly strive to convey their emotions and love to one another. They will enjoy doing things together and share many of the same interests. Also, the physical aspect of this combination will be satisfying, resulting in a pair of individuals who spend half their lives cooking the kitchen and the other half frolicking in a romantic setting. The physical aspect of this match is important but relatively straightforward.

Qualities that make Pisces compatible to Taurus 

In a romantically physical sense, the Pisces individual will be very sensitive to all the nuances of the desires associated with Taurus and will try very hard to keep the Taurus partner happy. However, if any failure on the part of Pisces to do this brings about the criticism of Taurus, then Pisces will soon be looking for a new mate.

Qualities that make Cancer compatible to Taurus 

These pair shares a mutual strength in terms of domestic impulses and will devote much time and effort to a home and children. The Taurus partner will never have to worry about being taken for granted by the quiet and moody Cancer native. Being a dreamer by nature, Cancer is sure to place Taurus on a pedestal and always expect nothing less than perfection. Consequently, when the flaws begin to show, Cancer will become disappointed and retreat into his or her infamous shell.


In affairs of the heart, Taurus natives are very discriminating but completely giving once committed. Knowledge of the ways associated with those governed by Taurus and encouragement to slowly but surely accept any changes will assure a relationship of moving forward and remaining vibrant.

See Details of Compatible Sign for A Taurus