Sagittarius Man Taurus Woman Relationship
Sagittarius man Taurus woman connection can be incredibly passionate and steamy, but each must learn to give the other time to learn about the particular energy this relationship generates. Both have much to gain from this union.
While Sagittarius man thrives when constantly experiencing new people, places and food, etc., Taurus woman will probably be content with routine since such affords her with the security that is so highly prized.
During the early days, the Taurus partner might demand more commitment and stability than Sagittarius man is ready...or even give, but if Taurus woman can learn patience, then Sagittarius man can eventually come to appreciate the comforts of hearth and home.
Here are notable features of Sagittarius man Taurus woman love union:
The influence of Venus lends Taurus woman a love of beauty, luxury and sensual pleasures.
The influence of Jupiter, representative of luck, is what marks Sagittarius as the teacher of the Zodiac. Jupiter is associated with philosophy, higher learning, expansion, optimism and travel.
Thus, this blend of beauty and expansion...a mix of masculine and feminine energy...makes for two Signs that possess mutual admiration and ones that will sustain each other.
Still, these are two Signs who approach life in very different ways.
Taurus woman is by nature sedate and practical, which offsets the restless demeanor inherent in those ruled by Sagittarius. A Sagittarius man may have trouble with the seemingly dull complacency of Taurus woman and will try to rev her up, which is sure to result in failure.
Taurus woman hate changes in relationships and are prone to be inflexible...virtually unable to broaden their horizons.
Those governed by Sagittarius are by nature adventurers. They love the outdoors but Taurus is more content to pursue indoor activities. When the Taurus partner refuses to join in with the sporting ways of Sagittarius, then the Sagittarius man is sure to find someone who will.
Sagittarius men are able to take criticism and will even change...just a little...but they can never be tamed and fidelity is rare for men governed by this Sign.
Thus, the jealous nature of Taurus woman will be in a constant uproar and the necessity of always keeping up with her Sagittarius partner...both romantically and otherwise...will eventually take its toll.
As a friendship, this is a wonderful combination but anything more would probably be ill-advised. The Sagittarius partner will probably find it difficult to sustain for any length of time the level of affection that Taurus woman requires. Still, with some understanding and effort, this could become a union of harmony.