Friday, July 11, 2014

Taurus Personalities (April 31 to May 10) – Second Decan

Second Decan Taurus Personality

People born April 31 to May 10
The Second Decan of Taurus is also known as the Virgo Decante and the "Week of the Teacher."

The influence of Mercury, the secondary planet governing this Decan, can induce interesting differences but chiefly makes for a bright and well-organized person who is an excellent communicator with a fine critical ability. Nonetheless, care should be taken to resist the temptation to find fault with others and instead, use such talent to avoid going to personal extremes.

Here are characteristics of person born of Taurus Second Decan:

These natives are the most hardworking of all Taurus individuals

Here, Virgo traits cause these natives to be the most hardworking of all Taurus individuals...ones who like money and are sufficiently industrious to put forth the effort necessary to accumulate wealth. Not really adept at "wheeling-and-dealing," these Taurus subjects tend to believe that system, order and dedication to work will bring the desired materials gains. Very aware of details, these natives believe there is a place for everything and that everything should be in its place.

Possess good mind, mental curiosity and a desire for self-improvement

The influence of Mercury will provide a good mind, mental curiosity and a desire for self-improvement, thus increasing the chances of material success and the ability to say or write whatever might be necessary to reach this positive result. Second Decan Taurus individuals count among the most effective salespersons and a career or business closely associated with selling may be the best choice for achieving the monetary rewards sought by these natives. 
Here, the concept of accumulating wealth hinges most importantly on economy, conservation, efficiency of operation and keeping more of what comes in, as opposed to simply increasing the intake with little regard as to how it is to be managed.

It is important that individuals born under the jurisdiction of this Decan be staunch and steady, pushing the strength of Taurus to its fullest capacity.

Prone to Indolence

Lunar influences are prone to affect this Decan and, given the changeability of the Moon, can invoke the indolence which is one of the great weaknesses of the primary Venus nature. However, the impulse of Mercury is helpful here since it can aid in rousing an individual from the "doldrums." Second Decan Taurus natives should never take up anything they do not care for, or the inherent nature of Venus will rebel and fail to "make the most of it." Those born within this period need to set a goal and avoid petty jealousy while seeking to attain such a goal.

Sensitive to noise and very detail-conscious

Natives of this Decan will doubtless face many conflicts and have to overcome many physical and mental challenges before the day is through. Sensitive to noise and very detail-conscious, those who fall under the influence of this Decan detest tight schedules, interruptions and surprises. There is a tendency toward teeth-grinding during sleep and sore muscles in the neck, throat and jaw. The opinions of these individuals are strong, but are often better going unexpressed...unless particularly requested to voice them.

The motto of the Second Decan of Taurus is "Struggle."

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Taurus Personalities (April 21 to April 30) – First Decan

Taurus First Decan Personalities

People born April 21 to April 30

The First Decan of Taurus is also known as the Taurus Decante and the "Week of Manifestation."

This Decan is the most typical of its native Sign, meaning that individuals born during this period may well be the most materialistic, hedonistic and sensuous of all Taurus subjects...they are the ones most influenced by the primary ruling planet of Venus. Here, for better or worse, all the usual Taurus characteristics are more pronounced.

Here are characteristics of person born of Taurus First Decan:

Possess money-oriented trait

To these natives, money does indeed talk and they may need to somewhat curb this money-oriented trait in order to avoid losing out on many of the other good and satisfying things in life. In short, they need to learn that money is not everything. If wealth is allowed to become their "god," then they will have little, if any, time for anything else. Consequently, these individuals could become exceedingly rich but find themselves totally alone and unloved.

If wealth does become all-important, then there is likely to be a tendency to question whether those who express love truly feel the emotion or are simply "in it for the money." Thus, suspicions regarding the motivations of others can lead to much personal misery.

Possesses an accented appetite for food, drink and sexual encounters

This Decan possesses an accented appetite for food, drink and sexual encounters and those who fall under its influence would do well to strive for moderation, lest such appetites turn into "masters," causing an over-abundance of personal problems and grief.

Approach to life taken by these subjects is rather deliberate

The approach to life taken by these subjects is rather deliberate. They like to take things slow and easy, disliking to be rushed since they tend to savor just about anything they do. With its dual secondary planetary influences of Mars and Mercury, the natural sympathy of this Decan is easily roused to quickness and over-activity which can lead to worry and dissatisfaction.

Passionate and lusty to the core

Trivial matters and immediate goals can disturb the romantic side of the individual nature in this instance. The influence of Mars is responsible for angry moods that play havoc with the normal trend. It is important that individuals who fall within the jurisdiction of this First Decan be tactful, rather than aggressive. Passionate and lusty to the core, these Taurus individuals tend to believe that too much is never quite enough.

Normally very attractive, musical, artistic and sensual individuals

On a more positive note, First Decan Taurus natives are normally very attractive, musical, artistic and sensual individuals who are inherently fond of animals, the land, virgin forests and beautiful hand-made crafts. In short, they embrace earthly pleasures with much gusto. The nurturing and fruitful qualities of the earth are often emphasized in this Decan and the ability to acquire wealth and items of value can be quite extraordinary. However, an abundance of lust for such material things can lead to moral and spiritual blindness.

Prosperity based on hard work is usually indicated, together with an eagerness to cooperate with family and friends.

The motto of the First Decan of Taurus is "Determination."

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A Typical Taurus - The Sign of the Bull

A Typical Taurus

Typical Taurus is a warm, gentle, passionate and friendly person , though he/she never shows it . The bull - is the absolutely exact symbol of the sign. People of this sign usually use force to achieve their purpose. They frequently named "as salt of the ground ". 
They perfectly know what they want and persistently work to achieve this purpose. It is difficult for them to understand other people. 
But in general the Taurus a positive sign. People born under the sign of the Taurus are usually friendly, though sometimes and are slightly boring because of the restraint and reticence.

Here are things you need to know as a person born Taurus:

 You may be stubborn

You may be stubborn, but your grounded, steady demeanor makes you someone others can count on. You're also a sensualist who loves good food, physical affection, romance and material goods -- and only the best of everything.

Taurus is the sign of practicality and possessions.

People born under the sign of Taurus tend to be very patient, practical and dedicated people. Such people are usually very cautious when dealing with people, life and money. They have a curious power of dominating others, even when not conscious of trying to do so. 

Extremely faithful

People who were born in that time are extremely faithful, with a strong need for security and a settled routine. Although they are very earthy, they can also be highly romantic and sensitive when it comes to love. They have great power of endurance, both physical and mental, and can pass through enormous strains of fatigue as long as the excitement or determination lasts. 

Wonderful hosts and hostesses

They make wonderful hosts and hostesses, and have great taste about food, and in the management of their houses they can make much out of little. These people often become excellent directors, have good business intuition, but are generally considered richer than they really are, as they always dress well and look well. 

Governed by their sensations

They are governed by their sensations and by their loving nature, but affection has a greater hold on them than passion. Such people are also warm and sensual, with an appreciation of the fine things in life. Taurus is motivated by a need for security; this sign is good for business matters and can be trusted to carry things through with absolute care. 

These people are very strong-willed and often quite creative

The Moon is exalted in Taurus, giving success with matters to do with the public and, combined with the influence of Venus, a passionate nature endowed with a strong sense of loyalty and fidelity. They are kind and generous with friends, with whom they develop an unspoken rapport. 

Generous to the last degree

If they love, they are generous to the last degree, and will consider no sacrifice too great for the person they care for; if they are enemies, they will fight with the most determined obstinacy. But they always fight in the open, for they hate trickiness, double-dealing, or deceit.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Characteristics of Aries Taurus Cusp

Notable characteristics of Aries Taurus Cusp individuals:

Often strive for power

Aries Taurus cusp natives strive for power in their daily lives, but the fiery and dynamic Aries character is tempered and grounded courtesy of the solid earthiness of Taurus. 

Thus, the undeniable trademark of these cuspians tends to be a preoccupation with power and their birthright is perceived as nothing less than the very best that life has to offer.

Nevertheless, these individuals usually possess the ability of being able to pursue their goals without inciting antagonism in those around them since others others find it easier and more advantageous to agree with the powerfully persuasive Aries/Taurus cuspian rather than disagree. Whether it takes a long time or short time to achieve their ends matters little to these individuals provided they eventually arrive.

Possess superb sense of timing and the talent to know when and when not to act.

Above all, they have a superb sense of timing and the talent to know when and when not to act.
At an initial meeting, these cuspians frequently impress others as being quiet and self-assured...people who know how to watch and wait. Indeed, Aries/Taurus subjects refuse to waste time in proving anything to anyone. They would rather confidently hang back and preserve their energy for when it really counts. Thus, they make for formidable enemies and capable work colleagues.

They are well aware of the value of money...and also know how to attain it

Aries Taurus individuals are well aware of the value of money...and also know how to attain it. However, the goal here is generally not so much in terms of financial security as a steady cash flow derived from work which will allow for worry-free spending.

In the eyes of those born on the Aries/Taurus cusp, financial dependency on another is a liability...these are people who would much rather support themselves and harbor little desire to relinquish personal freedom. Learning to accept financial support (or any type of support for that matter) from family and friends may be difficult for these individuals but, like love, it will take them a step forward in personal development.

May be prone to indolence

Many Aries Taurus cusp natives often secretly yearn to relinquish the daily battles of the world and simply submit totally to fantasy, pleasure, sheer laziness or perhaps another individual. Although this is virtually impossible for such cuspians to accomplish for very long, it is often a comforting thought in their hard-driving approach to daily life...a notion which may get them through many a difficult day.
Indeed, those governed by this cusp combination tend to do best when they can "empty themselves out" from time-to-time (through sleep, massage, meditation or a vacation, for example) and allow themselves the opportunity to "recharge."

Apt to play as hard as they work

In their leisure time, Aries Taurus cusp individuals are apt to play as hard as they work. Any activity of an athletic nature will be greatly enjoyed since sports provide a positive and healthy outlet for some of the natural aggression associated with this cusp combination. Both individual challenge (aerobics, for example) as well as the group challenge of such sports as football and soccer will be greatly appreciated.

Aries/Taurus subjects also enjoy outdoor activities which allow them to get close to the earth (hiking, for instance). Indeed, these individuals could easily become expert rock climbers or kayakers or skiers...inherent intense activity and drive channeled through a great love and respect for the natural beauty of the outdoors is often apparent in this cusp combination. Conversely, the appreciation of art and culture here will also send these cuspians off to the opera and exclusive galleries.

Possess energy, initiative and courage

Perhaps the greatest strengths of Aries/Taurus natives is to be found in their energy, initiative and courage. Their ability to take a project and "run with it" is virtually unparalleled by any other cusp combination of the Zodiac. Their more earthy side encourages stability and perseverance while methodical determination enables them to be productive when others have long since "given up the ghost."

Indeed, this particular combination of fire and earth makes the Aries/Taurus cuspian one of the most dynamic, stable and passionate characters of the entire Zodiac.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Summarized Facts about people born of Taurus

Facts about Taurus Personalities

Taurus peron is content to live each day for the pleasure, calm, and stability it holds. Change isn't high on the list of things to look forward to for this sign. Here are known facts about Taurus the Bull Zodiac Sign:

Thrive on Security and Order

People born during this part of the zodiac thrive on security and order and will schedule every area of their life, from eating to working, playing, and sleeping. They are careful, reliable, and practical. They are honest and consistent with family and friends and expect the same in return. Loyalty is also very important to them.

Methodical and Reserved

Taurus is often methodical and reserved. With tremendous willpower and self-discipline, they are inclined to plod along, sticking to traditional, accepted ways of doing things. Although they may be slower than others like, they always finish what they start. Their goals are always realistic, if not particularly ambitious.

Opinionated and Stubborn

This astrology sign isn't generally a risk taker and likes to weigh every decision carefully. Opinionated and stubborn, once a Taurean makes up his or her mind, they don't usually waiver. They tend to fight for what they believe in. As with a few other zodiac signs, bullying a Taurus will only result in rebellion and resentment.

Simple and Pragmatic Tastes

Taurus tastes are simple and pragmatic. They are known for a love of food, clothes, and the finer things in life, although their preferences fall more towards the no-frills side. The Taurus personality is also a romantic, attracted to beauty and sensuality in anything pleasing to the senses - color, touch, sound, taste, and smell.

Can be Possessive and Cautious

On the negative side, this star sign can be possessive of everything - friends, family, and things. They are big collectors but don't particularly like to share. Although they don't get angry quickly, when they do, they don't get over it quickly either. They tend to be quite stubborn and skeptical and refuse to try anything new. Of all the Zodiac signs, Taurus is the most cautious about astrology or anything else mystical that can't be scientifically proven once and for all.

Finds it difficult to Socialize

Taurus finds it difficult to socialize with others and is often alone by choice. This zodiac sign is also known for exhibiting a lazy streak. And many adult Taureans exhibit an overly trusting, childlike charm, wending their way through a life that to them is simplistically black and white. Also, people with this sign are prone to being overweight and can overindulge in food if not discouraged early on. Health wise, Taurus tends to get more than their share of sore throats, earaches, and skin problems.

Have a natural ability to develop and maintain wealth

These folks have a natural ability to develop and maintain wealth and will stand out in vocations that are connected with money such as banking and finance. They also generally excel as architects, builders, accountants, auctioneers, or real estate brokers. For some with this sun sign, greed can be a problem.

Gifted with an artistic ability

Gifted with an artistic ability, Taurus may do well at crafts. They also like to garden and are often attracted to landscape design. They may also find their passion in music or performing arts.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Everything about the sign Taurus

Everything about Taurus

Taurus Symbol

Taurus symbol represents the horns and head of the bull….generally referred to as the Bull. So like the Bull, a person born of the sign Taurus usually doesn’t move unless there is something worth moving for and will always like to keep a firm hand on possessions. Taurus symbol also outlines the chin and throat, showing the part of anatomy over which Taurus rules. 
As a sign rule by the throat, Taurus natives may exhibit unusual or charismatic speaking and singing voices. Adversely, illnesses suffered usually centre around the neck. Talking about Taurus glyph, it is presented as a half-moon forming a cup which rest on the circle of the Sun. Astrologically; the cup represents material power and wealth derived through the force of will as represented by the circle.

Taurus Element

Looking at element associated with the Sign Taurus, Taurus is the earthiest of all Zodiac Earth Signs. Earth is real. Hence, Earth Signs base their life on what is real. They appreciate the beauty and abundant life-goodies the Earth offers. 
The fact is Earth Signs live their feet on the ground. Just as the Earth attracts and hold with its force of gravity, Taurus natives can attract what it needs and hang unto it.

Taurus Ruling Planet

Taurus is dominated by the Planet Venus.Venus influence makes Taurus individuals to be very romantic. Hence, person born under the Sign Taurus deeply loves with strong values……but can be slow to make decisions concerning their love lives. 
The truth is, Taurus natives are highly sensual people who prefers the comforts that a one-to-one, stable partnership offer. That’s why Taurus person is often regarded to be possessive in partnership. 
Of cause, Taurus won’t break up relationships…..seems to view their partners as their personal property. 

Taurus Polarity

Astrologically, Taurus is Negative in polarity (as are Cancer, Virgo, Scorpion, Capricorn and Pisces). That is why the general characteristics of Taurus lean toward introversion. They prefer to draw upon personal resources rather than look for external stimuli. 
However, Taurus individuals are naturally more receptive, sensitive and nurturing than are the Zodiac Signs of the positive polarity (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius). 
But, Negative signs are also likely to be much cautious, retiring and standoffish than their Positive counterpart with a tendency to keep personal feelings under control. Taurus is the most introverted of the negative Signs.

Taurus Season

Taurus is a Spring Zodiac sign. Spring is the First Quarter of the yearly cycle, traditionally associated with the period of new growth and rebirth. In general, individuals who fall under the jurisdiction of spring possess a great enthusiasm for life. 
Frequently more extroverted than introverted, those born under this sign are prone to have a heavy impact on their environment. 
That is why, when Taurus natives work, it is always with a steadiness that may rarely be considered quickly--rather it's a dependable, plodding, and steady effort that has its payoffs.

Taurus Careers

In their careers, Taurus natives are most attracted to detailed analysis and typical make successful accountants, bookkeepers and bankers or, in the arts, craftspeople and artisans who excel intricate motifs & designs.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Who is Taurus soul mate?

 Taurus Love FAQs

Who is Taurus soul mate? 

Taurus soul mates are usually with people who possess the same understanding of practical values, and the materialistic progress that Taurus needs in life for self-expression.

Taurus is probably most in tune with those governed by Capricorn. A Capricorn partner will back Taurus all the way with loyalty, affection and steady plodding. The success record of a Capricorn native is good...particularly in business or farming...and Taurus will be happy...though not always necessarily this pairing. 

Taurus soul mate can also be found with people governed by Virgo. 

For Taurus, a partnership with an individual governed by Virgo will be deeply passionate. Taurus will encourage the Virgo to be the best possible person..

Friday, November 22, 2013

What’s the personality of a Taurus?

Taurus Profile FAQs

What’s the personality of a Taurus? 

Strength is the predominating personality of a person born under the sign of Taurus. With that strength, however, comes a firm-set nature which is difficult to change. The influence of Venus (this Sign's ruling Planet) makes for an emotional character, fraught with primitive urges, but one which can be sympathetic as well as strong-willed.

If you pay attention to detail personalities of Taurus individuals, you will observe that they are not flashy or fiery, but possess an uncommonly observant nature, backed by a steely reserve and remarkable powers of will.

The instinct of the Taurus nature is counter-balanced by an ability to acquire knowledge.

In summary I will say generally, Taureans offer a fixed outlook on life. On the positive side, this translates into a dogged determination to see their goals through to the end, and an inherent need to stick to their guns.

The negative side, however, is that this can be their downfall. Change does not come easy to Taurus. When their plans are disrupted, they do not find it easy to change course. Only after great deliberation, much of it silent and internal, do they finally decide to tweak their plans.

Qualities to Encourage:

Patience - Warm Heart - Common Sense – Determination

Qualities to Discourage:

Indulgence - Possessiveness - Stubbornness - Greed

Monday, November 11, 2013

What kind of a Person is a Taurus?

Taurus Profile FAQs

What kind of a person is a Taurus?

In simple astrological terms, a Taurus is a person born between April 19th and May 20th….hence, belongs to the zodiac sun sign Taurus. It is an earth sign ruled by the planet Venus.

Looking beyond simple astrological term, you will observe that persons born of Taurus have body consciousness, and enjoy the sensual things of life, the things which give one a sense of well-being. She has a natural affinity for all that the earth plane offers, and finds both pleasure and security in them. She enjoys food, carpentry, plants and animals, artistic forms, and music as well.

The truth is a Taurus person has a great longing to something special, exciting. Accordingly, Taurus person is somewhat less likely to take risks than other signs, certainly uncalculated ones.

Indeed, Taurus natives often take extra measures to ensure security, though in this light it may sometimes be considered controlling by some. Indeed, Taurus individual can even be brutal when robbed of its sense of security.

Taurus individuals are usually strong and loyal, but only until they starts feeling disrespected or encroached upon. Being straightforward and down-to-earth, those governed by this Sign prefer a non-nonsense approach and too much verbalizing or complex fantasizing is not a Taurus trait.

Some Notable Taurus People includes:

David Beckham, Tony Blair, George Clooney, Jay Leno, Willie Nelson, Jack Nicholson, Al Pacino, Queen Elizabeth II, Barbra Streisand

Saturday, November 9, 2013

What type of a woman does a Taurus man like?

Taurus Man FAQs

What type of woman does a Taurus man like? 

The answer goes like this….. A Taurus man likes a woman who will be open to uncensored display of affection…..and return his admiration and flirtation. His ideal woman must have a desire to build a steady, loving home.

She should dress with taste but shouldn’t waste money on trendy fashion. And more importantly, desire consistent “earthy” pleasures.

Actually, Taurus man like a woman he personally finds to look good, sound good in conversations, smell good and can cook good food.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Taurus Lucky Number

Taurus Lucky Number

Taurus lucky number is six (also known as the Hexad). Six is feminine in nature and, when associated with Taurus, resides in the Second House of Money and Possessions, governing all things lucrative.

Generally, six is the number of luck and and strength...honesty and beauty...a number which is capable of both creation and destruction. 
In short, six may have an equally strong tendency toward evil as it does toward good...toward rebellion as it does toward union with God. It is the number of mutual hating and giving...of mystic destiny.

Here are other mystical qualities of Six (Taurus Lucky Number):

Six is the mystic number of Venus. It represents family and symbolizes the home, parents, healers and counselors. It is representative of domestic bliss, responsibility, compassion, marriage and devotion. Six is also associated with fraternity and brotherhood...or sorority and sisterhood. It is the common bond of closeness between people, representing love, nurturing, harmony and justice.

Six is the perfect divider of the circle and the radius of a circle divides its circumference into the six points of the hexagon to form the Seal of Solomon...the hexagram. In geometry, six is the hexagon...two triangles which share a common side.

The colors associated with the number six are all those within the blue family. Its peak tends to be during the daylight hours, with its natural element being earth and its associated gems being emeralds and turquoise.

Similarly, in mathematics, six is two threes, also known as the second perfection. A mystic number represented in nature by the formation of crystals, honeycomb, snowflakes and flowers, six is a happy number with the power to ward off evil. It is said the the cycle of life has six periods (birth, growth, decay, death, absorption and metamorphosis) and that there are six states of man (love, chastity, death, fame, time and eternity).

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Compatible Love Match for Taurus

Taurus Love Match

A compatible love match for Taurus is one who possesses the same understanding of practical values and the materialistic progress that Taurus needs in life for self-expression. Looking at the twelve Zodiac Signs, I believe natives of Capricorn and Virgo are best love matches for Taurus.

First, let’s see what makes Capricorn ideal love match for Taurus.

A Capricorn partner will back Taurus all the way with loyalty, affection and steady plodding. The success record of a Capricorn native is good...particularly in business...and Taurus will be happy...though not always necessarily ecstatic. Now let me explain it this way:

  • For the Taurus male, a partnership with an individual governed by Capricorn can result in true love. Both will share the qualities of being strong-willed and eager for success in life. Each can help the other to maintain a focus on winning and achieving important goals. Especially, the Taurus male has a powerful personality and showers a mate with romantic attention. Hence, the Capricorn partner will feel loved and treasured in a very special way.

  • For the Taurus female, a partnership with an individual governed by Capricorn can result in lasting love. Both share so many important things, including a strong desire for security. Here, each partner will be very deep, passionate and romantic. The lovable and trustworthy nature of the Taurus female relaxes the normally serious Capricorn individual and really brings out a sense of humor. In turn, the Capricorn partner will be devoted to the Taurus woman and make her feel very special indeed.

Virgo, another Sign ruled by the element of Earth, would also be a favorable love match for Taurus.

Virgo is a Sign that is indicative of the perfectionist...the quiet and ambitious yet affectionate individuals who also make good home-builders...and rather ideal as a mate for Taurus. However, quarrels will occur on occasion if money matters are not absolutely straightforward.

  • For the Taurus male, a partnership with an individual governed by Virgo will be deeply passionate and possibly even spiritual. The Taurus man will encourage the Virgo native to be the best possible person and in turn, the Virgo partner will be drawn to the deeply emotional side of the Taurus male's nature. Men ruled by Taurus have a passion for life and a knack for succeeding at their goals, which will inspire Virgo partners to pursue their own personal desires. This is also one of the few love matches that is suitable for a business relationship.

  • For the Taurus female, a partnership with an individual governed by Virgo is one where many needs, qualities and values are shared. Both yearn for a secure and committed relationship and both will strive together to create that ideal. This is also a good match in physical terms. Indeed, the adorable Taurus female will awaken inner passions in the Virgo native that were heretofore unknown. Actually, Virgo man will consider the Taurus female to be quite amazing...loyal and diligent in achieving her goals...and these are exactly the qualities that hard-working Virgo wants in a companion.


Hence, compatible love match for Taurus are individuals born under the sign Capricorn or Virgo.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Details of Planets in Taurus

Planets in Taurus

Here are distinct qualities of different planets in Taurus:

Sun in Taurus

This Sun sign grows roots and is oriented toward stability. Has more vitality when productively building up resources, and living a life of sensory pleasures. Thrives when a steady rhythm is found that leads to the creation of what’s valued. Sticks to a groove in order to become established in life and enjoy a sense of lasting abundance.

Moon in Taurus 

Has an instinct toward stability, and is comforted by a productive daily rhythm. Can be possessive, stubborn, and resistant to unsettling changes. Draws soul-level nourishment from being a part of nature’s seasons. Memories come back through the senses, which is also the path to deep sharing with others.

Mercury in Taurus

The mind seeks to channel what’s taken in, toward the practical, real world-based and commonsensical. Impressions are more about the physical plane, and what’s experienced through the senses. Can get stuck in rigid thought patterns, and miss subtle nuances of language. There’s a slow and deliberate speaking style, and resonant voice.

Venus in Taurus 

Enjoys sharing earthly pleasures with friends, and is drawn to those that also bond through experiences of touch, sound, sight and taste. Seeks friendships of substance and loyalty, based on mutual support for life’s practical challenges. They bring discipline and a deeply-anchored sense of Self to creativity, and enjoy collaborating in physical mediums like theatre, music and movie making.

Mars in Taurus 

There’s a drive to shore up personal resources, and amass a wealth of financial, emotional and creative abundance. Has a solid physical presence, and can be graced with coordination and dexterity. Like a Bull, this Mars can look harmless until aroused with anger. Revels in being a human animal, giving them a natural, sensual way in the bedroom.

Jupiter in Taurus

Pathways of luck open when a rhythm is found that allows for consistent, steady effort. Can find inspiration in the slow, enduring cycles of the natural world. Has a knack for creating a personal empire, and reveling in luxury and pleasure.

Saturn in Taurus 

Feels secure when steadily, and with disciplined effort, builds up a stockpile of worldly things. Saturn here amplifies the Taurean caution, causing slow progress that at times grows sludgy and inert. Seeks to create enduring structures at work, economically and creativity that are aligned with true values.

Generational Planets Uranus

Can lead to original blueprints for how to build up structures, leading to progressive or futuristic inventions in architecture, city-planning, agriculture, etc. There can be genius innovations made with how money is handled.

Pluto and Neptune

These two slow-moving planets have not been in Taurus since the 19th-century. They will not be in Taurus until the middle of the 21st Century.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Basic Taurus and Capricorn Love Match Facts

Taurus and Capricorn Love Match

Taurus and Capricorn love match always proved to be a practical and sensible partnership. These two Signs share a certain down-to-earth logic and interest in efficiency. A Taurus native is not likely to risk more than is necessary in terms of emotional connection and involvement...Capricorn natives are similarly inclined, but more in terms of money and career.

As you would see; the best aspect of this relationship is probably the similarity of each partner's values and mutual dedication to the same goals. There is mutual admiration for dedication and strength...qualities inherent in both partners. Thus,

…Taurus can show Capricorn how to enjoy a well-earned break every now and again and how to appreciate beauty and comfort. In return, Capricorn can teach Taurus to be more disciplined and constantly strive for that which is most desired.

Nonetheless, a love affair between these two can rapidly become stale because the core personalities are actually rather different.

Now, here are factors you need to look into in Taurus and Capricorn love match:

Ruling planets

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus and Capricorn are ruled by the planet Saturn.

Venus is indicative of a warm and feminine energy, whereas Saturn is indicative of a cold and masculine energy. Venus is concerned with sensual pleasures, the aesthetics of love and the beauty of art. All these qualities stimulate the Taurus native and serve to heighten the appreciation of life and love. Conversely, Saturn is concerned with hard work and the discipline necessary to achieve goals.

Zodiac Elements

Both are governed by the element of Earth.

Hence, this is a combination of Signs that love to indulge in material possessions. They want to possess and be surrounded by beautiful things...a lovely home, designer clothing, luxurious cars and exquisite works of art, for example. Fortunately, since both are prepared to work hard, they can usually attain all these things and will rarely argue about impracticality or overindulgence.

Zodiac Qualities

Taurus is Fixed in quality and Capricorn is Cardinal.

Those governed by Taurus will rarely (if ever) change their minds once they have reached a decision. These are souls who possess a quiet and steadfast determination. While natives of some Zodiac Signs likely find this dull or restrictive, those ruled by Capricorn regard this as a good and comforting trait...and the Taurus partner will certainly be clearly dedicated to the relationship.


Hence, Taurus and Capricorn love match is a very good match. If the Taurus partner can encourage Capricorn to relax a little and appreciate the fruits of his or her labor, and if the Capricorn partner can help Taurus to achieve goals and make dream a reality, this union can be smooth, happy and long-lasting.

Negative side of Taurus

Taurus Negative Influence

Despite the peaceful gentility given to Taurus, many aspects of Taurus nature are notable to be fierce, ambitious and violent. And…. in keeping to my promise to provide all you need to know about Taurus, I will now present to you the negative side of Taurus.

First, you should note that negative side of Taurus is more pronounced in face of crises. This sign is not psychologically equipped to deal with conflict and suffering, which reveal it’s more neurotic, sometimes brutal side. It does not take well to threats, to disrespect or to rigid or overly burdensome demands, and can be quite resentful in the face of these.

Negative side of Taurus is remarkably revealed in face of opposition. It is likely to arouse the Taurus native to unreasonable fury, during which friendships and promises may easily be thrown to the wind. Potential enemies should take caution...once the Taurus ire has been roused, then this Sign can be unforgiving and extremely bitter.

To help you understand it better, let’s examine the negative side of Taurus man, woman and children:

Negative side of Taurus man

On occasion, the Taurus male has been described as being rather immoral. Jealousy can be a severe problem for this man. He evaluates everything by the principle "I have". This can include his romantic partner. He may feel exiled from the partner he desires because he was too possessive and she ran.

When his plans are disrupted, he does not find it easy to change course. Only after great deliberation, much of it silent and internal, does he finally decide to tweak his plans.

Due to the love of this man to live the "good life," he possesses a spendthrift nature which needs to be watched and carefully controlled. Some men born under this sign also appear to live in a state of constant worry regarding their ability to make money and pay their monthly bills which prevents them from focusing on the bigger picture of creating long-term fiscal integrity.

Negative side of Taurus woman

There are certain to be ups and downs with a female governed by this Sign. Although she is capable of loving in a whole-hearted fashion, she can, if provoked, be very contrary and resentful. This is a female who appears to be calm, reserved and everybody's friend, but beneath that sedate composure resides a great deal of jealousy along with the desire to possess the rich things life has to offer.

She is not always very wise in the philosophic area.

Venus, the planet of beauty and love, gives them a fascinating and charming personality. Because of this, these graceful women attract men easily. They are lavish in affections and have a warm-hearted, magnetic personality. This can lead to affairs of the heart. Their kind, sympathetic nature makes them very susceptible, and they should guard against insincere flattery from men that can lead them astray.

Negative side of Taurus children

Perhaps the most obvious potential problem for children governed by this Sign is selfishness (which usually goes hand-in-hand with possessiveness). In addition, this characteristic is frequently accompanied by obsessive behavior and jealousy...particularly when a parent pays attention to anyone else. This may result in the occasional show of vindictiveness which seems to materialize out of nowhere. Younger siblings often bear the brunt of such behavior and it is important that an older Taurus child be given an equal amount of attention as that paid to any younger brothers or sisters, especially newborns.

The Taurus personality is a fixed one and this child may not find it easy to mix freely with his or her peers. All too often, the little Taurus is perfectly content with solitude, thoroughly enjoying his or her own company. The unwillingness to share with others also creates an additional problem in this area for the young Taurus. Thus, he or she needs to be encouraged to make friends and engage in mutual play.

It should be noted that there is a danger...particularly among the boys who fall under the jurisdiction of be combative with playmates. Once entering into a fight, the Taurus child seldom knows when to stop. There may also be a distinct lack of moral courage with the little Taurus. If questioned too closely, he or she is apt to seek refuge in prevarication in order to escape punishment for any wrongdoing and the best course of action for any caregiver under such circumstances would be to lead through kindness, rather than the employment of force and rigid discipline.

Please Note

Although most Taurus natives are aware of some negative side inherent within their natural melancholy, basic constructive drives within this sign usually make them go with the greater good. Even in the case a Taurus person does go down a wrong path, it will be more systematically conductive than just spite, and should be rewarding aplenty. That said, naturally they are actually more inclined to fall into depression than act in a negative fashion, unless the chart is energized and focused.

Facts About Taurus Love

Taurus Love

A binding commitment is synonymous with love to Taurus individuals for these are deeply romantic and very loyal souls who value the harmony that a happy home life creates. I mean… should understand it is the nature of a Taurus individual to need the good life and that need is reflected in the desire to share such a life with someone special.

Extremely faithful to friends and family, the Taurus native prefers long-lasting relationships and will seek to build strong alliances. You may not understand the depth of passion here…a Taurus individual will go to any extremes to keep a loved one happy. No sacrifice will be too great in accomplishment of that goal.

But I must inform you; any partnership can be beset by quarrels and disagreements, so it will be necessary for Taurus individuals to curb their jealousy, keep their tempers and maintain a tight rein on the inherent tendency to contradict.

Here are summary Taurus love:

  • In affairs of the heart, Taurus natives are very discriminating but completely giving once committed.
  • They look toward the long-term rather than short-lived excitement, preferring a mate who makes them feel emotionally secure. In return, they provide plenty of affection and generosity.
  • It truly takes a great deal to anger a Taurus subject who is in love, but disloyalty will usually prove to be the ultimate factor. These are individuals who are slow to attach and equally as slow to detach.
  • They are usually prone to be jealous and possessive of any partner.
  • In a sexual sense, Taurus is straightforward and down-to-earth.
  • Music...or other forms of sensual expression that are non-verbal...invariably strikes a chord in the nature of a Taurus person.
Knowledge of the ways associated with those governed by Taurus and encouragement to slowly but surely accept any changes will assure a relationship of moving forward and remaining vibrant.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Taurus and Aries Relationship

Taurus and Aries Love Relationship 

A long lasting Taurus and Aries relationship is probably not very likely. The calm and logical Taurus partner will soon drive the more active and fun-seeking Aries partner out of his or her mind.

…..the Aries partner must be active in the public life...generally juggling a home and a career very keep the energies stirred up to a certain pitch. If this does not happen, then the physical side of a relationship becomes somewhat passes to the Aries partner who, in his or her boredom, will look for another partner in a thrill-seeking attempt to keep the desired adventure alive.

You should know, by nature Aries needs to be caught up in the moment, with the involvement of new ideas being the life blood. This is not the case for Taurus. Physical contact is paramount to the Taurus subject and he or she can be very demanding in this quarter.

Nothing short of saying; the new ideas and actions of the Aries individual will keep Taurus in a state of jealous confusion.

However, I strongly believe; under certain circumstances, Taurus and Aries relationship could be a mutually giving relationship since each partner has much to learn from the other. The contrasting personalities and ability to learn from one another can make this a mutually giving and satisfying union.

Taurus can help Aries to rein in some of the more foolish and impractical impulses, while Aries will aid Taurus in being more spontaneous and adventurous. Hence, tolerance, understanding and excitement can help this relationship and adds its longevity.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Love Compatibility for Taurus and Scorpio

Taurus and Scorpio Compatibility

Taurus and Scorpio union will be intense...either positively or negatively. You will notice that these Signs are opposite on the Zodiac Wheel…..which does lend a rather special and complex connection between the two. They can, on occasion, combine to make a whole with each partner's strengths balancing the other's weaknesses.

By nature, Scorpio natives are smoldering and say nothing of being highly sexual. Taurus, inherently sensual and tireless, cannot help but be attracted to Scorpio's intensity. In turn, Scorpio enjoys the devotion which is a natural trait of Taurus individuals.

Yea….there is much in common here, but because both personalities are so powerful, they often swing between passionate romance and passionate disagreement. For instance:

·         Taurus and Scorpio are Signs that possess deep desires...Taurus for possessions and Scorpio for power.

·         Both are concerned with wealth and addition to being impassioned about all sorts of things.

·         Taurus native is probably somewhat more self-focused than Scorpio, who tends to be more involved with his or her mate and immediate family.

·         Also natives of Scorpio are prone to be mysterious...their need for security related to the need for constant reassurance that the emotional connection with any mate is a solid one. Luckily, Taurus also requires this type of reassurance and is more than willing to provide such to a partner.

Here are various influences at play in love compatibility for Taurus and Scorpio:

Ruling Planets

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus and Scorpio are ruled by the planet Pluto.

Courtesy of Pluto's influence, love compatibility for Taurus and Scorpio makes for an intense which is an excellent balance of masculine and feminine energy. Together, Taurus and Scorpio form the basis of all love and passion. Venus also combines well with Mars (the ruling planet of Scorpio prior to the discovery of Pluto). Venus is associated with the beauty of romance and Mars with the passion.

Governing Elements

Taurus is governed by the element of Earth while Scorpio is governed by the element of Water.

Scorpio is prone to be an ocean... where Taurus is open with everything laid bare on the surface. Scorpio is more secretive and inscrutable. Hence, in love compatibility for Taurus and Scorpio, each can teach the other about their opposite views of life (i.e., direct versus complex) and another factor which adds a tantalizing dimension to this union is the shared tendency toward jealousy. The Taurus partner will just adore Scorpio's jealous displays since it means that he or she is adored and appreciated.

Zodiac Qualities

Taurus and Scorpio are both Fixed in quality.

This means both are likely to be somewhat stubborn and resolute once their minds have been made up. It can only be hoped that their minds agree or there will certainly be battles...the likes of which neither is likely to experience with any other Zodiac Signs. This pair must learn to discuss their views and needs in an open fashion to ensure a happy and lasting union. Compromise is also essential and this will depend largely upon the Scorpio partner's ability to learn to trust Taurus.


Taurus and Scorpio relationship is one of mutual admiration. 

In a romantic sense, the physical ties will be strong and the pair usually has much in common. Here, longevity is best achieved when the Taurus native is very careful to keep faith with his or her Scorpio partner.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Best Match for Taurus Woman

Taurus Woman Best Match

Best match for Taurus woman are either Capricorn or Virgo ascendants. You may ask; why Capricorn or Virgo ascendants?

Here are my reasons:
For a Taurus woman, a partnership with an individual governed by Capricorn can result in lasting love. Both share so many important things, including a strong desire for security. Each partner will be very deep, passionate and romantic.

         Also, Taurus woman partnership with an individual governed by Virgo is one where many needs, qualities and values are shared. Both yearn for a secure and committed relationship and both will strive together to create that ideal.
This is also a good match in physical terms.

Now, look at some of the distinct qualities that made me considered Capricorn and Virgo natives’ best match for Taurus woman:

 Capricorn match for Taurus woman

  • Taurus woman and Capricorn male have much in common. It includes a mutual respect and understanding of what is important in life. Both value hard work and the better things life has to offer.
  • The lovable and trustworthy nature of the Taurus woman relaxes the normally serious Capricorn individual and really brings out a sense of humor. In turn, the Capricorn partner will be devoted to the Taurus woman and make her feel very special indeed.
  • Taurus woman will always have a shoulder to lean on with the Capricorn native, who both respects and admires the Taurus ability to stick with something to the bitter end.
  • A Capricorn partner can also teach the Taurus woman much about actually getting a job done.

Note: This doe’s not necessary mean that the Taurus woman will be completely dominated by intense emotion…meaning that for Capricorn native to remain the best match for Taurus woman, both should demonstrate a lot of understanding to flaws in their personalities.

Virgo match for Taurus woman

  • Indeed, the adorable Taurus woman will awaken inner passions in the Virgo male that were heretofore unknown. Thus, the Virgo partner will become more romantic simply by virtue of being with the Taurus woman and she will benefit by the Virgo individual's practice of new romantic ways.
  • The Virgo native considers the Taurus female to be quite amazing...loyal and diligent in achieving her goals...and these are exactly the qualities that hard-working Virgo wants in a companion.
Disagreement between this two Signs (Taurus and Virgo) will be few and far between since both have a strong practical side to their nature. In addition, these individuals share a logical mind and sharp financial ability….hence Virgo can be considered as best match for Taurus woman.

Monday, September 30, 2013

The Ideal Taurus Woman Compatibility

Taurus Woman Compatibility

Looking at Taurus woman compatibility, I can say she is mostly compatible with people born under the signs Capricorn, Virgo and with the same sign, Taurus. She can also be a good match to those born under Pisces and Cancer.

As of Taurus woman compatibility with other Zodiac signs, here is what you need to know:

  • Her characteristic of being stubborn is shared with Leo.
  • With Aquarius, she is able to establish long-term ties, but there have to be more understanding of each other’s perspectives.
  • She usually develops complicated relationships with Scorpios.
  • With Aries, she has to keep her cool and adore him for his sexy smile and good humor.
  • Her personality may well clash with a strong Gemini personality on the basis of very different mentalities between them.
  • Libra will probably aggravate Taurus woman with his quick changes.
  • A love affair with Sagittarius is likely to be troublesome.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Close Look AT Taurus Man Compatibility

Taurus Man Compatibility

Here are helpful hints on Taurus male compatibility with other Zodiac Signs:

  • He will rarely go wrong if he chooses a Virgo mate.

  • With Aquarius, the zodiac compatibility between these two signs could leave a lot to be desired.

  • He is either a very good or a very stressful match with Pisces.

  • Their could be something of a battle of wills with Aries mate, since both are very strong characters whose wills are exerted in very different ways.

  • Combination with fellow Taurus is sure to create at least a few problems, particularly if there happens to be conflict of interests.

  • Gemini may prove somewhat unsettling to any peace-loving Taurus male.

Let’s look at Taurus male compatibility with other Zodiac signs in detail:

Taurus man compatibility with Aries

Basically, this union is all about balance, or the lack thereof. Natives of Aries tend to go too fast...natives of Taurus tend to be somewhat slow. Therefore, with some effort from both sides, this combination should be able to find a common ground. Since the Taurus male refuses to be rushed and is inherently stubborn, such behavior may leave the Aries partner fuming, screaming and engaged in shouting, all of which will be totally ignored by the Taurus male. Nevertheless, the Aries partner will provide much enthusiasm and energy to the Taurus male.

Taurus man compatibility with Cancer

Being a dreamer by nature, Cancer partner is sure to place Taurus male on a pedestal and always expect nothing less than perfection. Consequently, when the flaws begin to show, Cancer will become disappointed and retreat into her infamous shell. Since Taurus is not the most tactful of Zodiac Signs, he will clumsily attempt to coax Cancer's emergence, resulting in the Cancer partner retreating even further. Cancer needs and demands...usually in a pouting manner...a plethora of sympathy and Taurus male do possess a nurturing instinct for providing that. Thus, this pair may get along better than might be expected.

Taurus man compatibility with Virgo

Virgo and Taurus are two of the hardest workers to be found in the Zodiac. Action which is careful, methodical and constant is important to Virgo and, being of a similar nature, any Taurus male will both respect and admire his busy Virgo partner. Since both are governed by the element of earth, there should be an abundance of domestic harmony. They will spend countless hours in carefully worded banter, rarely ruffling the other's proverbial feathers. Taurus male and his Virgo partner will quickly find they can be an island of two, sharing endless games of Scrabble, walks on the beach and just spending time with each other.

Taurus man compatibility with Pisces

Basically, the Pisces native does not find it easy to make decisions. In order to achieve longevity in this union, the Taurus partner must accept these shortcomings. On a more positive note, the psychic ability of the Pisces partner will enable her to keep on top of the feelings of Taurus male and thus, will act and react with him to ensure happiness. In a romantically physical sense, the Pisces partner will be very sensitive to all the nuances of the desires associated with Taurus male and will try very hard to keep the Taurus partner happy. This could be a good working match, provided Taurus male is not looking for...or expecting...a partner who possesses a great deal of strength.

Taurus man compatibility with Aquarius
This relationship is probably best described as: a freedom-loving and eccentric woman matched with a practical and routine-oriented man. Taurus male will probably view the Aquarius partner as being unconventional in most ways, which can cause this man embarrassment in a multitude of situations. However, Aquarius individuals are, by and large, unique characters...something the Taurus male is likely to find difficult to accept. Since both Signs possess strong personalities, there is probably no way of avoiding an eventual confrontation between Taurus male and Aquarius partner.

Taurus man compatibility with Gemini

The flirty and flighty Gemini partner in this relationship, coupled with the accompanying hectic social schedule, may prove somewhat unsettling to any peace-loving Taurus male. He craves comfort and security with few interruptions. However, any home run by a Gemini is sure to be filled with callers and weekend guests. Nonetheless, beneath her stubborn exterior, Taurus male does find enjoyment in the company of others and takes great pleasure in the fine food and extravagant gifts often associated with the "social whirl" of her Gemini partner. The physical aspect of this union will gradually be affected by the moods of Gemini, which are exceedingly changeable. Gemini natives can be playful and mischievous one minute, quickly becoming basic and animalistic the next. The typical reaction of Taurus male to such behavior may well be the seeking of a new partner.

Taurus man compatibility with Leo

Taurus male and Leo are capable of making a good living. Problems may arise if Taurus male believes Leo should do something to cultivate emotional compatibility...or if the Leo partner shows a lack of concern for the feelings and/or emotional needs of Taurus male. If this attitude is carried over into the romantic arena, then the Leo partner will probably meet with a very cold shoulder, causing much distress to the fiery and amorous Leo native. In order to achieve even a modicum of peace and harmony, each partner in this relationship must strive to keep the physical activity between them alive and well.

Taurus man compatibility with Libra

In this combination, both partners share the ruling planet of Venus. Thus, both are blessed with an appreciation of beauty and the powers of attraction. However, it will be necessary for the Libra partner to realize that Taurus male wants to attract possessions...beautiful items that he can value and cherish. Problems can arise in this relationship due to the Libra personality of being open to new ideas and the willingness to give and please others. Such an individual may become easily annoyed with someone who is very slow to change and often quite fixed in his opinions.

Taurus man compatibility with Scorpio

Both Scorpio and Taurus are fixed signs. The Scorpio partner likes a controlled environment and has set ways of doing things. Thus, the Scorpio partner in this relationship will be far from pleased when the equally self-willed Taurus male who refuses to do anything in a manner other than his own. These two signs are opposite each other in the Zodiac and truly have very little in common. The Scorpio partner will provide a home in which the Taurus male feels very safe...primarily because he values an unchanging way of life. Nonetheless, since both Scorpio and Taurus are by nature prepared to be sensitive to each other; this is often an area where the bond between Taurus male and Scorpio female can develop.

Taurus man compatibility with Sagittarius

In this relationship, the adventure-loving Sagittarius partner will attempt to introduce new ideas and experiences to her security-loving Taurus male. Not only does this man hate change, he is also slow to accept anything different into his life. This can be very frustrating to the Sagittarius partner who hates the routine life that her partner adheres to so persistently. Both have a lot to learn from each other in this relationship...if they can accept that each views life very differently. Taurus male can provide stability for an otherwise restless Sagittarius partner. In return, the Sagittarius partner can teach him to perceive life as more of an adventure.

Taurus man compatibility with Capricorn

Taurus male and Capricorn female combination will be a compatible one. Both being governed by the element of earth will be practical, sensible and share a love of material security. The Capricorn partner will set boundaries with which the Taurus male is happy to makes him feel more secure. In addition, the Capricorn partner is one upon whom the Taurus male knows he can depend on. Life could run smoothly for this couple, but conflict is likely to arise when Taurus male does something terribly extravagant that will disturb the cautious and wary nature of Capricorn.

Notable Positive and Negative Taurus Traits

Positive and Negative Taurus Traits

Talking about Taurus traits, these individuals tend to be slow but sure in their methods remaining, for the most part, cool and collected. Blessed with keen observation skills and an abundance of patience, those governed by this Sign are content to wait with apparent indifference for favorable opportunities...which they immediately grasp once presented.

Indeed, Taurus natives are reliable and loyal souls who are easy to get along with and make for good team players. As befits a Sign ruled by the Element of Earth, they are also practical and grounded. If something needs to be done, then Taurus individuals can be relied upon to do it...but it may take a while since it is difficult to get them motivated. 
However, once these natives are up and running, they possess a focus and single-mindedness that is a definite asset.

Here are notable positive and negative Taurus traits:

Positive Taurus Traits

  • Possessed with strong determination, Taurus natives are seldom daunted by obstacles and, for that reason, march steadily on the road to success in whatever they might undertake. Hence, the Taurus nature is representative of the constructive side of the world.
  • As lovers, Taurus' are romantic, sensual and affectionate. They have an ability to become the most faithful and loyal friends. They do care a lot about your family and friends.
  • Also, people born under the sign of Taurus tend to be very patient, practical and dedicated people. Such people are usually very cautious when dealing with people, life and money.
  • More especially, Taurus individuals make wonderful hosts and hostesses, and have great taste for food. In the management of their houses they can make much out of little.
  • When you talk about endurance, Taurus individual possess great power of endurance, both physical and mental. They can pass through enormous strains of fatigue as long as the excitement or determination lasts.

Negative Taurus Traits

  • Negative Taurus traits consist of being overindulgent, self-centered and stubborn. They can be viewed as rebellious with their stubbornness. While they do not get angry easily, once they do, they become infuriated and everyone will definitely feel it.
  • The characteristic of Taurus that shows a disciplined nature may also become extreme, developing into an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Here they have a curious power of dominating others, even when not conscious of trying to do so.
  • Also, Taurus natives are easily influenced by their surroundings, and become morbid and morose when trying to live under uncongenial conditions. They are also too easily misled by their emotions, sensations, or affections.
  • As a rule both sexes are jealous in their disposition, and their jealousy often drives them into acts of violence or sudden exhibition of temper, which they bitterly regret when the storm is over.
  • More than any other faults, Taurus' do not like it when they are forced or rushed in their tasks. They dislike changes and disruptions. They are usually traditional and conservative, and do not take risks.
Despite positive and negative Taurus traits (as stated above), you should know that Taurus individuals are governed by their sensations and by their loving nature. Affection has a greater hold on them than passion. Such people are also warm and sensual, with an appreciation of the fine things in life.

If they love, they are generous to the last degree, and will consider no sacrifice too great for the person they care for; if they are enemies, they will fight with the most determined obstinacy.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

What does a Taurus male like in a woman?

Taurus Man FAQs

What does a Taurus man like in a woman?

A Taurus male likes a woman who looks attractive. He loves a woman who will be loyal and a good listener. Somebody that will be encouraging about his work projects and of course proves her sensual side. Hence, show your sensual side, and always check out this dream lover's favorite music and food.

Headstrong Bulls are most comfortable when they‘re in control, but sometimes a little provocation can bring out their best. 

In essence, what a Taurus male like in a woman is one who is sensual…..loves good food, physical affection, romance and material goods -- and only the best of everything.

What Attracts a Taurus man?

In simple term, I will say; Taurus man is mostly attracted to uncensored display of affection. In his relationship with a woman, sensuality comes first and the Taurus man will be attracted to a woman he gets along best with from this point of view.

Always stand up for what you believe in. Remember, Taurus tastes are simple and pragmatic.

They are known for a love of food, clothes, and the finer things in life, although their preferences fall more towards the no-frills side.

 In essence, Taurus man is attracted to beauty and sensuality in anything pleasing to the senses - color, touch, sound, taste, and smell.

See Details of How To Attract A Taurus Man

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Are Taurus and Leo Compatible?

Looking at the question, are Taurus and Leo compatible? I will say Taurus and Leos are actually compatible though Leo's more social nature may clash with Taurus' possessive nature. There is so much mutual admiration between this pair.

Basically, this combination can result in a magnificent pairing because each knows how to stroke the other's ego and each loves to have his or her ego stroked. In addition, their needs are similar. Although Taurus and Leos can work together quite nicely, it is not a garden of roses for these two.

Both are stubborn individuals who must work hard to understand and accept one another.

See Details of Taurus Love Compatibility FAQs

Friday, October 19, 2012

Are Taurus good lovers?

You may ask; are Taurus good lovers? I will say…indeed Taurus individuals are good Lovers. They are always protective of their loved ones and will be very gentle and pleasant towards them.

Though, not particularly skillful at telling loved ones how they feel, preferring instead to show their affections in the things they do…..and provided they are coaxed rather than driven….Taurus can be extremely lovable.

 Romantic Style: Affectionate - Satisfying - Can Be Generous

See Detail of Taurus Love FAQs

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Here Are Detailed Compatible Signs For A Taurus

Compatible sign for a Taurus are people born under the signs Capricorn, Virgo and with the same sign, Taurus. Taurus can also be matched with those born under Pisces and Cancer. Taurus and Leo are both stubborn hence will have difficulties understanding one another. With Aquarius, they have different perspectives and usually develop complicated relationships with Scorpios.

 Now, let’s look at what makes Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus, Pisces and Cancer compatible signs for a Taurus:

Qualities that make Capricorn compatible to a Taurus 

The Capricorn partner will want to share all of the Taurus individual's worries and fears, which the keen senses of Capricorn quickly detect. Courtesy of a natural empathy existing between these two Signs, each is more than capable of understanding the other's feelings, depressions and sense of humor. Also, being on the quiet side, the Capricorn native will make a good companion for the home-loving Taurus partner and if satisfaction is experienced in the domestic arena, then a Taurus/Capricorn union could be inseparable.

Qualities that make Virgo compatible sign for a Taurus 

Disagreements between these two Signs will be few and far between since both have a strong practical side to their natures. In addition, these individuals share a logical mind and sharp financial ability. Since Taurus loves an abundance of attention and Virgo loves fussing over someone he or she adores, this could be a most satisfying relationship for both partners. Each native here is fond of children and the home. Thus these things will play a large part in their lives...demanding and receiving their constant attention.

Qualities that make Taurus compatible with fellow Taurus 

Each possess an in-born need to express personal feelings and will constantly strive to convey their emotions and love to one another. They will enjoy doing things together and share many of the same interests. Also, the physical aspect of this combination will be satisfying, resulting in a pair of individuals who spend half their lives cooking the kitchen and the other half frolicking in a romantic setting. The physical aspect of this match is important but relatively straightforward.

Qualities that make Pisces compatible to Taurus 

In a romantically physical sense, the Pisces individual will be very sensitive to all the nuances of the desires associated with Taurus and will try very hard to keep the Taurus partner happy. However, if any failure on the part of Pisces to do this brings about the criticism of Taurus, then Pisces will soon be looking for a new mate.

Qualities that make Cancer compatible to Taurus 

These pair shares a mutual strength in terms of domestic impulses and will devote much time and effort to a home and children. The Taurus partner will never have to worry about being taken for granted by the quiet and moody Cancer native. Being a dreamer by nature, Cancer is sure to place Taurus on a pedestal and always expect nothing less than perfection. Consequently, when the flaws begin to show, Cancer will become disappointed and retreat into his or her infamous shell.


In affairs of the heart, Taurus natives are very discriminating but completely giving once committed. Knowledge of the ways associated with those governed by Taurus and encouragement to slowly but surely accept any changes will assure a relationship of moving forward and remaining vibrant.

See Details of Compatible Sign for A Taurus