Taurus Woman Compatibility
Taurus woman is mostly compatible with people born under the signs Capricorn, Virgo
and with the same sign, Taurus. She can also be a good match to those born
under Pisces and Cancer.
As of Taurus woman compatibility with other
Zodiac signs, here is what you need to know:
- Her characteristic of being stubborn is shared with Leo.
- With Aquarius, she is able to establish long-term ties, but
there have to be more understanding of each other’s perspectives.
- She usually develops complicated relationships with Scorpios.
- With Aries, she has to keep her cool and adore him for his sexy
smile and good humor.
- Her personality may well clash with a strong Gemini personality
on the basis of very different mentalities between them.
- Libra will probably aggravate Taurus woman with his quick
- A love affair with Sagittarius is likely to be troublesome.
Now, let’s take a look at Taurus woman
compatibility with each of the twelve zodiac Signs:
woman compatibility with Capricorn
Being on the quiet side, Capricorn will
make a good companion for the home-loving Taurus woman and if satisfaction is
experienced in the domestic arena, then a Taurus woman/Capricorn union could be
Here, there is mutual admiration for
dedication and strength...qualities inherent in both partners. They also share
a dependable, realistic and rather conservative approach to life...although this
trait will probably be somewhat more pronounced in the Capricorn native.
Nonetheless, a love affair between these two can rapidly become stale because
the core personalities are actually rather different.
Taurus woman compatibility with Virgo
Taurus woman and Virgo relationship is good
for long-term stability but lacking in passion. They shares similar qualities
which eases them working together. Taurus woman will appreciate Virgo’s stable
and rather predictable ways. They often associate under common goals. However,
Taurus woman tends to be somewhat more self-interested than Virgo man…..and can
become quite lazy if there isn't any incentive offered. Nevertheless, the Virgo
relationship can help instigate and motivate Taurus woman into profitable
Taurus woman compatibility with fellow Taurus
Taurus woman will tend to take a sensible
approach to the finances and her business sense will earn the great respect of
the Taurus male. She will also be a splendid housekeeper and make for a good
hostess...something men governed by this Sign demand in a mate. In addition, the
feelings of security harbored by a Taurus woman will be heightened in this
partnership by the male's ability to hold a job and provide for the household.
However, jealousy may well prove to be a
large threat to the union. The inherent possessiveness and jealousy associated
with this Sign will undoubtedly cause each partner to put the other through an
unpleasant time.
Taurus woman compatibility with Aquarius
Taurus woman may find some exhilaration in
this relationship as Aquarius brings something fresh and exciting to her
usually blander, somewhat dreary life. Some problems may arise with Aquarius'
less refined nature, and it may become too destabilizing for Taurus' basic
conservative nature. Aquarius practically lives to see and be seen. Taurus
woman doesn't generally enjoy wild nightlife, preferring the solid, known
comforts of home.
woman compatibility with Pisces
Pisces starts out very accommodating and
will go along with pretty much anything Taurus woman wants to do. Then that old
Pisces indecision will start acting up. When you think of a Pisces making a
decision, think of their zodiac symbol of two fish swimming in opposite
directions. Additionally, Pisces has a bad habit of having very strong opinions
about almost everything and a complete disregard for anyone else’s thoughts in
their dreamy little world. There it is in a nutshell, and those basic traits
will drive this woman to distraction.
woman compatibility with Scorpio
Scorpio is perhaps the sign most equipped
to unleash the emotional side of Taurus woman, which is highly neurotic and
probably darker than the Scorpio's. These signs often attract. However, in more
intimate associations, the Scorpio native ways can be somewhat offensive to
Taurus woman's more refined senses. The result can potentially be an explosion
between these signs. Taurus woman may much despise being undermined by Scorpio.
woman compatibility with Leo
Leo's easy, lightheaded approach can clash
with Taurus woman's conservative, mindful nature. Although Leo's exciting ways
can be quite attractive to Taurus woman, its tendency for "grand
living" can be somewhat disconcerting to her pocketbook. She might dislike
Leo's boisterous and boastful mannerism. In romance, Leo's more social nature
may clash with Taurus woman's possessive nature, bringing about much strain
unto the relationship.
Taurus woman compatibility with Gemini
Gemini has more of a childish and less
reliable demeanor, while Taurus woman is more grounded in the realities of
life. She may well find amusement in Gemini's ways, however she may lack some
respect for him on the basis of its ungrounded nature. Gemini may be considered
silly by Taurus woman, and may find this to be annoying sometimes.
Nevertheless, the fact that Taurus woman usually does not feel threatened by
Gemini makes it for a workable mix. Gemini extends well on the latent abilities
of Taurus woman, and she brings a more productive touch of reality to the more
flighty Gemini.
Taurus woman compatibility with Aries
Instant magnetism pulls the Taurus woman
and the Aries man together. Essentially, Taurus woman is sensual, patient and
gentle and an Aries native will be attracted to these qualities, perceiving
Taurus woman as possessing that quality those governed by Aries desire in the
extreme...knowing when and how to seize life's opportunities. However, she
would better not try to force the Aries man to make any commitments and he’ll
stick around longer than she would imagine.
Taurus woman compatibility with Cancer
This is a union that can and will improve
with age and hard work. These are two persons with such different personalities
that in many ways, the strength of one partner will lend support to overcome
the weakness of the other. The physical side of any relationship for a Cancer
native will very much depend on what transpired earlier that same evening.
there was an argument or some other unpleasantness, then Cancer is unlikely to
be in the mood for intimacy...and if Taurus woman is subjected to this type of
treatment too often, it will certainly drive a wedge between the couple. Still,
if both partners here are willing to give rather than get, this could be a
match of some longevity.
Taurus woman compatibility with Libra
It is inherent in the Taurus woman’s nature
to plan life, but Libra individuals will make no such commitment and this can
result in violent abuse on both sides. Libra is possibly the worst kind of
flirt, but only uses this trait as an ego-booster and nothing more. Still, the
jealousy inherent in Taurus woman would not be able to endure this type of
behavior for very long. Unfortunately, for this union to stand a chance, Taurus
woman will have to learn to put up with it.
Taurus woman compatibility with Sagittarius
Sagittarius loves to act out his romantic
fantasies and Taurus woman will be expected to be very versatile in this
respect, which is something likely to appall Taurus woman’s sense of propriety
and the conservative nature of this Sign. Thus, the jealous nature of this woman
will be in a constant uproar and the necessity of always keeping up with his
Sagittarius partner...both romantically and otherwise...will eventually take
its toll.
Indeed, one or two risqué suggestions made
by Sagittarius could kill the love between this pair almost immediately. As a
friendship, this is a wonderful combination but anything more would probably be